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Podcast by Nota Bene


What is it like to suffer from a personality disorder? What lies behind the outside behaviours? PD RAW is a place for people with personality disorders to share our lived experiences, so we can connect to others like ourselves, stop the feelings of loneliness, break down stigma, and help figure out what is going on inside us .

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18 January 2025


Derek is an English teacher who has spent decades running a classroom with strength and confidence. Behind the scenes, he battled the trauma of very painful childhood experiences, but at work, his bravado gave his students a feeling of safety.

However, recently, something happened and everything unravelled. The darkness of the past has finally caught up with him.

Derek's thoughtfulness and expressive nature allows him to give some powerful insights into what lies inside his disorder.



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11 December 2024


Have you ever had one of those nightmares where you are in a group of people and something really humiliating has happened?

Shame is such a deep, powerful emotion. It makes us hide parts of ourselves in order to fit in.

Some of the theories about the development of personality disorders are that the young child buries many parts of themselves which their caregivers cannot deal with. These parts become hidden from the child themselves as they develop.

It is said that our hidden parts drive us, and we are mostly unaware of this.

Some further reading about why people might have hidden parts of themselves:

Borderline Personality Disorder

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Avoidant Traits



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21 July 2024

NPD Awareness Month

To mark the inaugural NPD Awareness Month, 4 guests joined the creator of this campaign, Reddit moderator Invisible Monster, for a moving discussion about how they experience the disorder, as well as the things they have found which have helped them heal.



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01 July 2024

Ryan Part 2: Courage and Authenticiy

Ryan faced addiction, rehab and the breakdown of his relationship as he wrestled with accepting his diagnosis.

With the support of a therapist, he was finally able to face his inner turmoil, and now speaks openly about his NPD in an effort to help others and to live with honesty and vulnerability.



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23 June 2024

Ryan: Breaking Through Grandiosity

Ryan's family dragged themselves up out of poverty, but despite outward appearances, real happiness was elusive. With a second failed marriage, Ryan was forced to look inside for answers.



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16 June 2024

Guide: BPD+NPD with traits of HPD & OCD

Guide is a young person affected by a complex diagnosis, but who is facing it with determination and clarity.

