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Podcast by Nota Bene


What is it like to suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder? Or any other personality disorder? The reality of personality disorders is often very different on the inside from outside appearances. PD RAW is a place for people with PD's to share their lived experiences.

Latest episodes

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23 June 2024

Ryan: Breaking Through Grandiosity

Ryan's family dragged themselves up out of poverty, but despite outward appearances, real happiness was elusive. With a second failed marriage, Ryan was forced to look inside for answers.



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16 June 2024

Guide: BPD+NPD with traits of HPD & OCD

Guide is a young person affected by a complex diagnosis, but who is facing it with determination and clarity.



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24 May 2024

Tulip and Who

In this episode, Tulip sat down and chatted with Who about ASPD along with her perspective on the stigmas surrounding it.



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23 May 2024

Lisa Charlebois - Part 2

Therapist Lisa Charlebois talks about treating people grappling with narcissism, what to look for in a therapist and her experiences with a borderline mother.

Lisa has been brave enough to be open about recognising that she was a narcissist in college as she was studying counselling, which has allowed many of her clients to drop their barriers and be open with her.

She says that narcissistic and borderline issues are much more common than is commonly believed, and that we need to be more open and less ashamed of them.

Lisa also has written a book, available on Audible or Amazon, about understanding and dealing with narcissism and offers an online course for people with narcissism who wish to work towards healing.

You Might Be A Narcissist If...


For anyone who can't afford the course, these are free resources which I personally found very helpful:













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12 May 2024

Lisa Charlebois Part 1

Lisa Charlebois is a therapist who specialises in treating narcissism. Why? Well, she is open about having suffered from it herself.

Her openness and non-judging attitude mean that she has been able to help every single person with narcissism who has come to her.

That's right – not only is it a possibly treatable condition, it is a very treatable condition, if you know what you are doing and your clients trust you.

Lisa has spent over 30 years as a therapist and has working with countless people with narcissistic or borderline issues, or with their loved ones. She has written a book for dealing with narcissism and has recently launched an online course for people to work on healing their own narcissism.

Book: You MIght Be A Narcissist If...

Website: healingyournarcissism.com



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25 March 2024

Peanut : The Polyphonic Experience

In this episode, Peanut (a.k.a polyphonic_peanut on Reddit) tells us what it's like to live day-to-day with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD): all his many swings from grandiosity and vulnerablity, and much in between.

He describes what it was like to become self-aware, and how he relates his present day fragmented experience and NPD traits to the chaotic and neglectful family environment in which he was raised.

He then points to the Schema Therapy as a key resource for self-understanding and management of his disorder.


